2016 Christmas Prose "Feed Yourself Full"
I want to teach my kids to fish
not with fishing pole and bait
but skills to feed themselves
I've been throwing fishes at them for so long
feed my family
put food on the table
A full pantry, a home cooked meal, and full bellies satisfy my mommy heart
But these days, the cupboards are pretty bare- Mom's away and kids fend for themselves
I'm okay with that...they're adults
They should be able to take care of themselves...right?
Making money has never been my strong suit
Good worker, hard worker...but smart worker...
not so much.
With Wall Street noise, frenetic battle between bulls and bears,
I reflect on quieter times-
When a little fish and bread could satisfy the needs of many
When coins for taxes could be found in the mouth of a fish
and a man could make a living by the the sea
All it took was a little direction to find the perfect spot to cast the net
and find it full
Inspired Worker!
Called to the work as fishers of men
Caring for both body and soul
I've thrown many a fish at the feet of little ones
Heartfelt fishing in hopes my faith might feed them
But they too need skills to feed themselves and be Filled with the spirit
Receiving the witness of the Risen Lord-
To one day handle him and see-that a spirit hath not flesh and bones
Partaking fish and honeycomb to make a point
Feeding himself
Body and spirit united
Experiencing Fullness