Saturday, March 4, 2017


This morning I was thinking about being a slave to work, at least it's how I feel sometimes. Of course it's voluntary.  No one snatched me from the savanna, bound me with chains or forced me to row the boat. I row willingly.  I also get something in return for all the blood, sweat and tears- I get money.  You know, those little green tickets people exchange for goods and services in this great big world of ours. Interestingly enough, it's this "purchase the whole world" mentality that sometimes puts me into the bondage of debt;  then I have to put the bands on, or additional demands and go to work to pay it off.  We all go to work, doing the bidding of some kind of master-even if we're the top cheese-we're in bondage to the shareholders or even our entrepreneurial vision. If we are a slave to beauty or any other ideal-there are policies and procedures; something is telling us what to do to achieve said state. So what does our master require of us? Who is actively searching for a master?  Who wants to be owned by anyone?

I can tell you that the cats and dogs at the Humane Society in Murray need  responsible owners and loving masters.  Recently I visited this impressive facility along with its' "Kitty City" wing. I've never seen anything like it. First thing you see is a big banner proclaiming how many lives have been saved-animal lives that is- convincing you that it really is a noble cause. You are being their savior. You will pay a price to redeem them. For we all know what happens to the animals that are not wanted.  They will not housed in this fine facility indefinitely.  If their owners do not claim them, they will be destroyed. Probably not at that particular facility, but somewhere and someday they will be euthanized and incinerated.  In contrast to this bleak future, instead at Kitty City we find calmly lit, new,attractive, clean, hospital like rooms with fuzzy blankets, climbing structures, intriguing cat toys, even television monitors broadcasting bird shows for the feline viewing pleasure. Prospective pet owners are not simply purchasing something to own- they are "adopting" them.  It's humanizing the business transaction.They take every measure to provide the best experience possible in these particular circumstances- giving these animals the best chance for would be owners to bond with their future pet.    Is there a connection?  Do want to bond with this animal?  Bonds can turn mere pets into family members.

By nature, bonds are restrictive of free movement.  Think of shackles or handcuffs. Even a wedding band can feel a little uncomfortable and binding at times.  This band is a symbol of a bond, or at the very least a symbol of two people who are bound together by choice.  Marriage bind them together. It is a symbol of their commitment to be faithful. It's a commitment to love and family.  Yet some find wedding bands too confining and remove them to freely explore other options.Others find temple garments too restrictive and remove them as well.   They are also a  symbol of a bond-a covenant or binding agreement and desire to have lasting ties or bonds with our maker. The sacrament is another binding covenant to take upon the name of Jesus Christ, keep his commandments and remember him always.

These concepts were swirling around in my head this week as our choir sang the hymn, "Sacrament"  written by Eliza R. Snow.  Here are some excerpts:

He left his Father's courts on high
For man to live, for man to die
A world to purchase and to save
and seal a triumph o're the grave.

We're His, who has the purchase made
his life, his blood, the price he paid
We're His to do his sacred will
and His requirements all fulfill

Jesus the great fascimile, of the Eternal Deity
has stooped to conquer and to save
from sin and sorrow and the grave.

I choose to be bound-   I choose to bond. I choose to belong.  I choose to be bound by covenants and call someone other than myself, "Master".  He didn't just purchase everything in the world-he purchased every person that would ever live on the earth.  He wants us to be part of His family.  He saves me from certain destruction. He will care for me as the most responsible, nurturing owner I could ever have.  Following the commands of this master will result in the payment of tokens much more important and valuable than any money I could exchange. I'll be a slave for Him!