Saturday, July 6, 2024

Blue Angel Squeeze

 I recently watched the awesome "Thunderbirds" air show with my sister at Hill Air Force Base.  In preparation, we watched a Blue Angels documentary on Prime.  So worth it!   What amazing humans!  The documentary does a great job explaining what these pilots do to prepare for these incredible air shows, like the one I just watched.   It surely increased my appreciation and awe as I paid the minimum price to just watch as a spectator.

One memorable scene that has stuck with me was when they were training the newly selected recruits.  They were required to get inside a centrifuge type pod as it spun around to experience the G forces Blue Angels have to be able to withstand in order to execute their amazing aerial maneuvers. They were closely watched and monitored.  Their trainer encouraged them to squeeze their butt in order to direct their blood flow so they would not pass out while being under such intense pressure.  Even the new "boss" of the Blue Angels passed out showing just how difficult it was to withstand the pressure.  It also was a clear example of how difficult the transformational process is from pilot recruit to  Blue Angel performer.  

This ability to withstand the G made me think of Jesus Christ- the person who withstood the pressure of incredible forces without passing out. I know what emotional stress and pressure feels like, but cannot imagine my pressure being multiplied exponentially by the collective weight of everyone's pain who has ever lived or will ever live on this planet. He had a mission to fulfill much more demanding than aerial acrobatics. How did he do it?  

The Savior did not pass out or at least I don't think he did.  The Savior did not have a single earthy spectator for his amazing feat, monitor his well being, or even see if he would pass out. Instead, the Savior's would be spectators passed out from sleep and exhaustion.  

What kept the Savior awake? Perhaps the angel that came gave needed encouragement and ideas on how Jesus could withstand the pressure without passing out.  I highly doubt he told him to squeeze his butt, but perhaps it was the squeezing of his veins directing his blood to different places.  Blood squeezed out through every pore from the intense pressure.  I don't know how he did it, but He did!  

Though I missed the amazing show in person, I have the privilege of at least imagining the scene as I try to remember what the Savior did for me every single week.  I see his body laid before me under the sacred cloth concealing the emblems of his flesh and blood.  I partake and remember the amazing skill it took to accomplish the most important aerial maneuver that was ever performed.  Not only do I observe the sheer power of the amazing Father/Son/Holy Ghost team of flying performers, but also the power to raise me up to the skies to hear the roar and soar with the Blue Angels/Thunderbirds.   

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