Sunday, September 1, 2024

Seek and Find

 I know God is not a big ATM machine in the sky, but sometimes I still ask him for help in finding lost items. And I want to give him the credit when I find these items. 

Last Friday, while preparing for my trip to California, I noticed with panic that my drivers license had fallen out of my wallet- only my license, everything else was still there.  I knew I needed it for TSA at the airport to board the plane. I blamed Satan, of course, for deliberately taking it out.  Well him and my own careless, oblivios behaviors.  

While trying to retrace my steps, I apologetically asked for Gods help.  I tried to remain calm and was grateful to know I could still use my passport if it didn’t turn up.  When I got back home, I  carefully inspected my briefcase and still didn’t see it. I went to find my passport and decided I should go to the DMV to get a replacement license or at least get the process started. 

As I went to get my keys, I glanced down and noticed my license on the bedroom floor. I had not noticed it when I walked by to look in my briefcase on the bed.  For me it was an answer to my prayer, like it had miraculously been placed there. 

Regardless of my oversight, God really does help me focus on what is most important in my life.  He wants me to see what’s in front of my face or what I may have missed.  He helps draw my attention to the lost coin, the lost sheep,  the prodigal son and the rejoicing and great relief when these things are found.  He doesn’t want me to go carelessly go through life oblivious to the important details not to be missed.  

One detail I was drawn to today that I certainly don’t want to overlook is my gospel upbringing in Southern California. What a privilege it is to sit next to my mother at church.  Because of her,  I am not frantically searching for the pearl of great price.  What comfort  and joy it brings to me to join with my mother, my brother, my sisters who also feel like they have found the treasure and show their faith by attending church weekly. I notice it and it strengthens my faith. 

More than just finding lost items,  God continually tries to direct my attention to find great gospel truths crucial for spiritual travel. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this entry! Thank you for sharing your faith and gratitude. It builds mine! Love you!
