Monday, April 28, 2014

This morning I was thinking...

This morning I was thinking...

I'm trying to not snooze my alarm when I  wake up at 4:30 a.m.  I don't think it will ever be easy to just get up and begin again each new day. I have kind of an irritating alarm.  I haven't changed it from factory settings.  My daughter has a cool alien noise to help her get up.  I should change mine ASAP-anything to help me escape the warm cozy cocoon of my bed. Who doesn't love the idea of sleeping in-like forever?   And yet I definitely don't want to sleep my life away.  Life is for living.  I have sometimes compared sleep to death and waking up as resurrection. I have used this idea when encouraging my teenage son to get out of bed.  I can't tell you how many times I have called him, prodded him, to WAKE UP.  And most of the time, he doesn't listen.  Not once has he just heard the alarm of his "sweet mother's voice" and responded. So I'm trying to be a "good example"  and respond to the voice of the alarm and get up quickly. It takes SUPREME effort, but I think it actually might help me follow the example of my Savior.

This morning I was thinking...maybe Jesus had to put forth SUPREME effort to be resurrected.  We know that he worked in conjunction with the Father to accomplish the work of the resurrection.  But maybe Heavenly Father's voice was like a wake-up alarm, and Jesus had to respond to it- he had to wake up. We know that he exemplified doing the Father's will.  But maybe he too had to obey, even though he was in a deep, deep sleep or death.  We know he had a special receiver implanted to be able to detect this transmission or message from the Father from the fact that he had a mortal mother and an ETERNAL Father, God.  But still, maybe he was NOT just poofed into the resurrection- maybe HE wasn't just forced to wake up.  We always think of his incomparable effort and choice to honor the Father's will as he suffered for the sins of all mankind. Maybe he had to make the same choice and honor to do the Father's will and listen/obey his voice when he called, "Arise."  Maybe not. But perhaps that might motivate me to listen to the voice of my alarm.

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