Sunday, February 12, 2017

Muscle Testing

This morning I was thinking about muscle testing and heavy work loads.  Lately, I've been doing my own muscle testing-how much work load can I really handle?  Right now, I don't know the answer.  But if my son's recent tire blow out on the freeway is any testament to the dangers of going full speed ahead, I'm proceeding with caution   I don't want to be like my Subaru-literally on it's last leg, hobbling along on a spare tire.  

So what am I made of?  Flexing muscles is fine and good for a Mr. Universe contest,  but how much weight can people really lift?  All those Schwarzenegger muscles were built in the first place by placing various loads on each muscle-testing them if you will. In the applied kinesiology world, "Muscle testing is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on belief that various muscles are linked to particular organs or glands and that specific muscle weakness can signal internal problems."  

Well I know I've got problems. Who doesn't?  Some people's problems are so outwardly apparent, they're impossible to ignore.  When referring to people who can't see, walk, talk, or think,it's best to use people first language instead of referring to them or even labeling them handicapped, mentally retarded, deaf, dumb, blind etc.  They're people with problems, just like you and me.  No matter who we are or what hand fate has dealt us, we work-we make an effort to do something...anything. 

While addressing some of my problems, I decided to take an additional job as an early morning para-transit driver servicing individuals residing in Utah County. This requires a current CDL with a passenger endorsement. Though I passed the knowledge portion, I still have to pass the skills test in the next couple of weeks. I added airbrakes and school bus endorsement in hopes that I might be of greater service at my current RT job and be more like "Ms Frizzle" from the Magic School Bus. Which by the way, I just learned they're doing a remake with Kate McKinnon doing the voice work. I'm so on point!

Nevertheless I've been so depleted these past few weeks-gas tank empty- running on fumes.  Sleep helps, by the way. Like the necessary pre-trip vehicle inspection points- I don't know if I can pass my own fitness for this 2nd job. Am I properly mounted and secure (PMS).  Are there any cracks, damages or leaks (CDL).in my psyche. What is my CID- condition, inflation, and depth?  Can I go safely forward? Or will I blow out?

One thing that fills me up when I'm feeling deflated is the inspiration from all the hard working people all around me-people carrying such heavy loads.  People giving unimaginable service throughout the life of their now adult children-people who will never be able to take care of themselves on their own.  They know the drill.  They've done it for YEARS.   I also find inspiration from the people we pick up.  People with problems who literally crawl on to the bus.  People who may not be able to see but use their strength to carefully take each step  and make their way to their seats.  People who get up early, allow others to dress them, and show up day after day, and operate whatever controls they can to move their power chair onto the lift ramp. People who use the coping skills that work for them-whether it's humming, singing, making noises, hugging their stuffed animals, fidgeting with toys, or whatever to manage their mood for a long bus ride until they reach their destination.  For many of these people- the destination is work.  It's work they can do-work they have done for years. Some are paid-some aren't.  For some, their work is showing up and doing any kind of purposeful activity in a day care setting. Nevertheless, it takes some effort on their part...It takes WORK-ennobling work. .  

Some say people with multiple disabilities are not here on earth to be tested; rather they are here  to test US.  Though I agree with that, I also believe these people test their muscles every day. They're working it.  They have heavy loads to bear-and they lift them-day after day, year after year. Though you might not see any sign of strength, their "work" muscles would make any body builder jealous.  They pump me up!

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