Sunday, June 21, 2020

Black and White Trigger

The other day, my son wanted to talk about the protests going on across America regarding the "Black Lives Matter" and the maltreatment of different races.  It started out as a friendly discussion that terminated in my son feeling like I had kicked him out of my home and did not tolerate differing beliefs or accept him.  I knew in the morning that he would have to leave since I had just learned that I had been exposed to Covid-19 at work and needed to take extra precautions.  However, I wish I could have had him leave under different circumstances than a heated argument where I blurted out, "You need to leave-because I might have Covid-19." 

I'm trying to figure out the turning point in our discussion.  What triggered me from being the calmly cleaning mother, to the angry woman shutting him out-being a silent observer as he gathered his belongings and left.

 I'm rehearsing different topics during our conversation: 

*Importance of Unity and becoming as one as a society instead of a having all manner"ites"-such as Lamanites, Nephites, Zoramites or a loose confederation of distinct ethnicity, race, religion, special interests, etc. It's being different but being bound together in love-all with the same in purpose-a Zion people who are pure in heart.  That wasn't my trigger.  

* Stating that we will not have world peace until the Second Coming when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.   This might be interpreted as a type of compulsion- "You will bow your knee!" Everyone must believe in Jesus Christ or they will be destroyed.  That wasn't my trigger. 

*My statement to him saying,"I know you don't believe in Jesus Christ" and explaining how people generally show their faith in Jesus Christ by keeping his commandments and making and keeping sacred covenants. This statement was a trigger for him (not me).  Many believe Jesus is prophet who greatly encourages moral behavior but do not accept him as their personal Savior or the need to be saved from sin. Law should be subjective.

 Another trigger for him was saying, "whatever you believe" while waving my hands in a dismissive manner.  Instead of saying-everyone can believe different things-it's all good.  It's all true for them.  We can all live in peace and harmony even if we believe different things.  Think of all the atrocities committed in the name of religion and intolerance of other people's beliefs! That wasn't my trigger. 

*My role as mother in teaching my children about Jesus and how to follow him as part of the global world problem.  Not only was our family prayer and scripture time all in vain, but they did more damage than good.   THAT was my trigger.  Though he may not have said those exact words, that is how I interpreted it.   This is where it got personal.  I felt like he was attacking my efforts as a young mother to teach my children the gospel.  Though I may have had noble intentions, really I was not tolerant of others with differing beliefs.  Teaching one Savior, one faith, one baptism- the only true church offends many. It's too black and white.  Staying in the gray is a lot safer.   Unless I say- I accept whatever you do-it's all good.  I accept whatever you believe-it's all good.  I accept whatever you want to become-it'ts all good.  Everyone can do whatever they want as long as it's not hurting anyone.  Hey, but if someone gets hurt-now that's wrong.  You can't do that.  That is not acceptable. 

Not everything is acceptable.  Society witnessed police brutality.  Racism is unacceptable.  Protests cry for reform for what is not acceptable.  Through their actions they demand CHANGE. 

God invites us to change.  He cannot force us to accept that Jesus is the Christ.  One day we will know, but even then he does not force us to repent.  We will be changed from mortality to immortality even though we may not repent. 

Just because I'm trying to repent and change doesn't mean that God doesn't accept me for who I am, understand me, or love me.  Through His spirit, He teaches those black and white truths that balance justice with mercy.  Oh how he loves black and white, bond and free-every single person that has ever or will ever exist- and invites all to come unto Him-

2nd Nephi 26:33

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he ainviteth them ball to ccome unto him and partake of his goodness; and he ddenieth none that come unto him, black and white, ebond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the fheathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.


  1. I can totally relate. My oldest is an atheist and my youngest is a high councilman. Both raised in the same home. I love them both dearly. I have come to the conclusion that I give them both my love and know that Heavenly Father loves them both even more and wants them to return home to him. I want to keep the relationship open Incase she ever wants to come back to the gospel. I pray that she does. She knows what we believe but she has to choose for herself. I pray about lots of things for both my children. I know you do for yours too. And I hope you don’t have COVID! - Mike

  2. Motherhood is the greatest blessing and challenge we all wish for. Hang in there sister. We all do our best but their journey may be a different path than what we hoped for but is their path. We can only pray they can and will receive all that Heavenly Father and Savior wants for them. Love you and you very insightful blogs.
