Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How Not to Succeed in Business ..a children's story

This morning I was thinking about Father's Day and how difficult it is for each of my children not to have their father with them.  They love him and miss them.  They do not understand why he has been in prison for the past 6 years.  They do not understand their father's business history resulting in his incarceration.
While digging through memorabilia this past weekend,  I found an old journal I started when I was waiting for my then husband at a police station.  I read this excerpt to my daughter and she started laughing out loud and took a snapshot of the page with her camera. She thought the other children might find it helpful.

So though this is not really a "children's story" (though it was written using the most simple vocabulary and ideas I could think of)- this is a story for my children in hopes that they may have a better understanding of their father.  Maybe this understanding will grow into acceptance and increased capacity to let go of negative emotions and keep moving forward.

Title- Big Talk/ Little Walk/ Talk is Walk

Narrator:  The faces change but the story remains the same.

Person: I want to be rich."
Dad:  I can help you be rich!
Person:  How?
Dad:  I can do this and I can do that.  I can do it!
Person:  Convince me.
Dad:  Talk-Talk-Talk-Talk-Talk-Talk-Talk-Talk
Person:  O.K.  Here's my part.  (money, time, resource)
Narrator:  Dad works and works, and works and works, by talking, talking, and talking.
Narrator:  Time passes.
Person:  Hey!  I'm not rich!
Dad:  Well that's, talk, talk, talk, excuse, excuse, excuse
Person: You said you could do this and that.  You didn't make me rich.  You are a Liar!
Dad:  I am full of perfect integrity.  I tried my best.
Dad:  I was only trying to help you and now you are slapping me with a lawsuit.
Dad:  I have no money to pay you.
Dad:  This is business.  90% of all business ventures fail etc. etc. etc
Dad:  I am a good guy.
Dad:  I am a nice guy. You are mean. You are bad.
Dad:  You want to hurt me when all I wanted to do was help you!

Narrator:  End of story-repeated 500 million times.

Excerpt from Journal: " I'm certain tis story will continue to repeat itself unless someone stops this crazy merry-go-round.  What will make it stop?  I have tried to tell Jeffrey that since he's so smart and so good at TALKING-that IS his value in the marketplace.  He needs to be paid for talking-for thinking-for coming up with ideas and sharing them with others.  If he can confine himself to this kind of business- He will always succeed."

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