Friday, June 13, 2014

The Children Come First/ Pro Choice/Pro Life

This morning I was thinking about my choices during the past year.  I remember telling my daughter that it was MY CHOICE to get remarried.  She reminded me that though they are my choices, my choices AFFECT her. I represent not only myself but 5 other human beings (Hailey, Blake, Chase, Chelsey, Cole) and I would be wise to consider their interests, needs, wants etc, when choosing.  In the end when writing my paragraph for grounds for divorce, I cited reasons related to my children, and Jeff's children.  And because we didn't have any additional CHLDREN together-we had the quickest 8 day divorce granted to mankind because....children come first or at least the welfare of children should be highly considered when making choices regarding family life. Each of my children's lives are precious.  I continually seek for their well-being.

I not only want the blessings of eternal life for myself and my family , but I also want the blessing of eternal lives.  Within me, there is a potential for worlds without end-countless generations- my eternal posterity. Though my child bearing days are over, I still have to consider my potential mate as the father of my future children.  And if I don't feel comfortable about that- then it's probably not a good match. I represent countless future human beings and my choices affect them. The lives of my future children come first- if I truly want to promote eternal lives.

God as our parent with our Heavenly Mother puts His children first.  Everything he did, does, and will do- each choice he makes is concerned with our eternal welfare.  "For my work and my glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."  The choices I make need to put God's children first too, at least if I'm striving to become like my Heavenly Parents.

I know the Pro Life/ Pro Choice will always be a heated debate.  I usually think of abortion rights etc, when the terms are placed together. Choice is essential.  Life is essential. I so care about my woman's right to choose.  I so care about unborn, potential life. For me, it's a reminder that my choices are never my choices alone. Like the president of the United States, when he makes a choice-it affects the whole country.  Though we can hardly be considered his "children" we have given him the executive power to make choices for us that deeply affect the quality of our lives.  Though presumptuous, my decisions have great weight- are of great importance because they affect so many people- they affect eternal lives. I'm not trying to say that I'm more important than the president of the United States, or maybe I am?  HA!  So I'm going to go be presidential today. How's that for some self-aggrandizement?

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