Sunday, March 29, 2020

Reflect His Light & Heal the World

This morning I was thinking about my response to the invitation for a world wide day of fasting and prayer for relief from physical, emotional, and economic effects of the world wide pandemic.
I gladly accept the invitation and join with those of all faiths to raise my voice to God, the Master Healer and seek continued inspiration to #HearHim and do his will. It's something I can do to exercise some level of control in a situation where I don't have any. It's socially responsible like social distancing, hand washing, staying home etc.

I don't get to follow the mandate to stay home since both of my jobs are considered essential:  public transportation and health care worker.  In some ways it's a privilege and great responsibility.  In other ways, it puts me on the front line.  It doesn't feel like such a personal sacrifice right now because the virus hasn't hit Provo in a significant way..yet.  We all know it's coming.  It's something I can't see right now, but there is ample evidence from the latest news and eye-witness accounts of those who have seen and experienced this assured coming of the effects of the virus.  I see the crazy as fiction from the books and movies I've read, come to life...  It''s real.

How would I feel if the virus had a 100% kill rate?   How would I feel if I knew I was going to die?  From reports, some Italians over age 60 have been sent home from hospitals to die in isolation-die alone. How would I feel during this great vulnerable state,  if other forces combine to bring the world to its' knees-literally-throw in some social unrest, continued wars, economic ruin, terrorist attacks, forest fires and other natural disasters. If we are are on our knees-we pray.

Our Utah earthquake sent Moroni's trumpet from the SLC Temple crashing down to the ground. It got my attention-a great mic drop on the world stage.  Perhaps some people wondered what that gold angel on every temple stood for.   What is the message heralded through the skies? Who is our trusted source we can listen to for the most important, accurate "real" news?  In a time where things on the ground aren't looking too hot for the entire world, it's nice to look up-look up to the skies.

Last night, while taking out the trash, I looked at the bright object in the sky next to the moon.  I'm not super observant, but it looked brighter than usual.  I googled it, and think it was the planet, Venus.  According to the description I read, though stars emit their own light-the moon and Venus reflect the light of the sun-they are literally bathed in light.  They are sunbathers!   My heart beat a little faster when I saw this object in the sky since the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is certainly on my mind and I continue to joke around about it with family and co-workers.  Yet I know this promised coming of Jesus Christ is something I should take seriously, prepare and be ready.  Repent continually.  He's coming soon...why not now?

I remember the excitement around the topic when discussing it in seminary class as a teenager.  I believed it was a realistic possibility I could be alive when He came back to the earth.  I know it will be  more dramatic, and conditions on earth will be more severe than this current pandemic but the virus, I know he is coming.  I see evidence from the eye witness accounts from the scriptures in both the Old and New Testament, Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Though I can not see Him right now, the effects of His presence are apparent in the lives of those around me and in my heart.  I look for ways to increase my faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ.  He is real.

Like the sleepy towns where the virus doesn't seem as real as it is in New York, I go about my business as normally as I can.  But if I knew I was going to die, would I live differently?   I am assured destruction the minute I stepped into mortality as a babe. The seeds of destruction are already in my genes- I have a "virus" that will result in my eventual death..The clock is always ticking.   I might die any day from a variety of causes including the virus.

Even though I might die from the virus in isolation without any family around me, I have the promise of being sealed to loved ones through the ordinances performed in holy temples.  This is part of the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy from the Old Testament,  "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." (Malachi 4:6)

This is one of the most important messages of the restoration about forever families heralded by that angel posted on spires of temples around the world.  He doesn't have a microphone to loudly broadcast the message, but instead holds a trumpet. If that doesn't get our attention-what will?

Yes, the trump broke off in SLC but right now that particular temple is undergoing extensive renovation that will not only earthquake proof it, but allow it to stand through His second coming and Millennial reign.  Missionaries have been called home during the virus, but like the soon to be repaired trumpet, they too will return to their missions with the message of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is a message of hope to a world that is literally dying physically and will be temporarily separated from loved ones.

And so I raise my voice in prayer and fasting-raise it up with the great hope for healing for myself, my family, and the whole world.  That we may be Son-bathers, like Venus and the Moon-bathed in light.  I love the promise in Malachi 4:2, "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings"

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