Friday, October 3, 2014

MY People/ To KNOW and LOVE

This morning I was thinking about 2 recent experiences when I was stuck in someone else's world surrounded by "their" people.  I say "stuck" because I had nowhere to go and I was committed to be there- It was my choice.  I chose to stay on the week long Powell houseboat-I paid the money, I took off work. I chose to stay at a friend's daughter's wedding from 10am to 10pm . I committed to sing and play the guitar for the wedding processional. I committed to get the sound system back to work even if that meant staying until all the reception music was finished. It not only was a choice to be part of the captain's world, or my friend's world-it was a privilege. But it is always hard to get the idea out of my head and heart that EVERYTHING is not about ME-because it's not.  I know this.

As an outsider, I stepped into an observer role. It was beautiful to witness the warm, loving interaction between these close families and friends. It was people watching at it's finest.  It was evident they knew one another deeply.  They cared about their well-being and wanted to protect each other.  They loved each other.  My new found friends were surrounded by THEIR PEOPLE.  

At the wedding, the preacher taught how the human need for LOVE is sometimes influenced by our human fear of BEING KNOWN.  We fear if someone really knows us, they might not like us. He challenged the new couple to continue to know and love one another.  In these two circumstances, people didn't really know me or love me.  Which is an OK world to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there permanently.

As I was driving home from my Lake Powell adventure, I burst into tears at the thought of returning to MY people. It was so nice to come home to my little world, even though it seemed to have fallen apart when I was gone.  I was greeted by one daughter who cut her hair short (which she has never done), and the other who sprayed the house for spiders (which we have never done) and had severe panic attacks (which she has never had).  As I hugged them I told them how important they were to me- and how they were truly MY people.

During this past week I checked in with my mom over the phone. I talked to my son. I conducted the choir. I talked to best friends. I chatted with co-workers. My visiting teacher came over. I was publicly acknowledged.  People expressed appreciation. I was warmly greeted by my students. I waved at neighbors.  This is my world and MY people.-people who look me in the eye and acknowledge I not only exist, but KNOW ME and LOVE me in some fashion.

I know God knows me deeply and personally.  He cares for me.  He shows his love daily. I suppose God has those same longings to be KNOWN and LOVED as mentioned in the great intercessory prayer, "And this is life eternal to KNOW GOD".  I know he wants me to LOVE him, to KNOW him, and to be one of HIS PEOPLE.  I want to be part of HIS WORLD.

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