Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thank You For Our Happy Feet

This morning I was thinking about a banner we made to express appreciation for our newly constructed courtyard complete with sandbox, playground, and splash pad. We were preparing for our ribbon cutting ceremony for the dignitaries and I had the impression that a big red banner with feet prints of all our students would somehow be fitting. However, I quickly regretted my ill- thought out group art project.  Washing the sensitive, resistant feet of 40+ students, prone to run around, flick ink,  water splash and rip the poster produced a work of art not quite fitting for the big wigs.  It was a disaster.  I tried to cover up our big mess with printed computer font letters spelling "Thank You For Our Happy Feet".  I couldn't even get that right- since I quickly pasted the letters. Our lopsided message was hardly professional.  But I was spent, running on empty.  I  already injured my back earlier in the day and stooping down to wash and dry everyone's feet only made matters worse.  However, it did make me feel like Jesus washing the feet of his disciples-so I had that going for me. 

Earlier  that day my co-worker told me about a free rooftop concert that evening with the Neon Trees, a local Provo band making it big.  I love alternative rock, including the Neon Trees. I often  listen to the radio as my students sing along to all the pop stuff while we're driving the 15 passenger van.  Every once in a while, there will be a song I will actually like-a song that "moves me".  It's usually a song off the beaten path- many times an alternative rock song. I say "moves me" not because I start crying, but because I literally HAVE TO MOVE.  Whether it's tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, waving a hand in the air to conduct, or tapping my toes- this ENERGY just has to COME OUT.

 I wanted to stop by this Neon Trees concert, but how could I?  It was leaving work at 9:15 p.m, completely exhausted, hurt, splattered with yellow paint, looking like a hag.  Besides who just shows up to a concert all by herself?  What a loser. Definitely not "concert ready."  However while driving home past downtown Provo I thought I could at least check it out.  I could at least roll down the windows and listen.  I could at least park my car.  I could at least walk down the street to get closer to the music-closer to the stage.  I could at least step up on the curb to get a better look.  It was just too darn irresistible.  Then they started to play my favorite song, "Lessons of Love".  And all of a sudden, my back pain was gone and infused with ENERGY and JOY.  I know it's not joy-joy, or even pleasure, but it's this feeling washing over me where I literally can't stop smiling.  It would hurt if I tried to stop those smiling muscles in my face.  I also can't hold "it" in-whatever it is- I have to let it out and MOVE.  Though I was back with the security officers and surrounded by people who were just listening- I was clapping my hands above my head and moving to the beat. I could tell others thought I was weird, since I wasn't stage side with all the other yahoos and I was way too old.  But I  had to express myself. It was not a dance to be "seen of men"-to get attention, to try out my latest moves, to impress a guy.  It was a dance to express what I felt inside-and it was a glorious release. 

After a couple of songs, reality started to creep back in, since it was 10:00 and I still hadn't eaten dinner and was sore and worn out.  But I was full of gratitude- I am so grateful for music that moves me-vibrating with something deep in my soul-it's MY song. It's different than just listening to music I like-it's music I LOVE.  I am so grateful certain music can make me FEEL a certain way and that this feeling can come out.  To "express" means to "squeeze out."  I am grateful this emotion can spill out-even with yellow happy paint.  I am grateful for MY very own HAPPY FEET.  

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