Friday, December 25, 2015

Enabling Yellow Tandem Bike

This morning I was thinking about my family gift this Christmas-a yellow tandem bike standing as a symbol of enabling power.   I'm trying to give a positive "spin" on my ever constant criticism of enabling others-perpetuating problems instead of solving them.  Through the years, my helping sometimes does more harm than good.  At times I've rescued others when they need to feel the entire weight of their choices and face the consequences motivating them to change.  I've fostered irresponsible behaviors resulting in weakness rather than strength. I need to do things differently.   At times it's like I've been driving the tandem bike and letting others rest their feet on the peddles while throwing their hands up in the air shouting, "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee- this is fun!  Look no hands-I'm riding a bike!  Go faster!"

A bicycle under the tree just screams awesome Christmas, at least it did for me as a child growing up in the Long Beach-that is until bikes were stolen.  I think I had about 4 bikes lifted-one even from my own backyard.   In defiance or stupidity, I currently park my son's beater beach cruiser in front of my condo-perhaps just to test the would be thieves in Provo, Utah or maybe just because I can.  It feels good to see the bike there to greet me when I come home from work.  As part of my Christmas present this year, this used (a little dented) tandem bike will eventually be parked in front-as a happy  decoration.  Granted it's a little nicer than cruiser, but I think no one will take it for good.  I'm going to laminate a sign and attach it to the handle bars, "Borrow Me!  Ride me around then return me so others can enjoy!"  If  the bright yellow tandem is stolen quickly, then I'll just rack it up as a neighborhood donation-brightening someone's day.  Maybe they needed it more than I did.  I don't think my kids are going to use it too much anyway. It's just a visual aide for the real present-my continued commitment to help and strengthen them throughout their life.  Rather than enabling them, I need to help them be strong-help them develop the muscles to do things independently so they can get where they want to go. 

One thing is certain,  you can't drive a tandem bike from the passenger position on a tandem bike.  Pedal power and fixed handle bars won't do the trick.  Limited steering capability and awkward balance requirements make it nearly impossible-unless all you have in mind is falling over and crashing. Help from a trusted driver is necessary to get where you want to go. It takes two baby! And if you venture out on a tandem alone, driving in the front-you just look stupid.  The bike isn't designed that way.  You're hauling around a lot more weight than you need to- a definite waste of resource.  Besides that, it's no fun.

I  also want this Christmas Tandem Bike to remind my children about the Master Enabler and being willing to get on the bike with him.  Though I want to encourage independence and responsibility, I also want to encourage dependence on the Lord.  Wonderful strengthening help is available.  Elder Bednar teaches about the enabling power of the atonement.  "Grace is  frequently is used in the scriptures to connote a strengthening or enabling power. 'The main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ. It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means' Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity."

 It is fun to ride through life in tandem with God's help.  We can trust him.  He won't let us fall. We weren't meant to travel alone- we're not designed or built that way.  Sure we can try it but this kind of independent, self sustaining wisdom is foolishness. Besides, it's completely unnecessary to go at it all alone-a definite waste of resource.  You have a yellow tandem bike man-use it! Everybody use it!

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