Monday, May 12, 2014

I can't lie.  Mother's Day was a little disappointing.  Not because my children didn't honor me-cause they did.  They went out of their way to make me "feel special."  I'm just referring to the day itself.  The day-meaning the weather.  Mother's Day is typically when all the earth seems to rejoice in her role as the giver of all life.  Instead, it was windy and  cold.  Mother Nature was not too happy with her errant children...or something.  It wasn't just a gloomy sad day,like she had been forgotten.  But it was like she was a little miffed, and she wanted us all to REMEMBER who she is and maybe not take for granted the glorious spring.  Each day is a gift from the giver. Weather keeps us in check.  When planning, sometimes, I don't take in consideration what the weather will be like.  Because no matter the forecast, I don't really know how the weather will affect me until I'm smack down in it.  Weather carries it's own personality and is a partner in all I do. I've certainly discovered that as a Recreational Therapist.  I try to get the kids off-grounds no matter what, but how I appreciate the little breaks in weather that come at just the right time.  If we come to expect a certain thing, I love how she, the weather, will shake things up-keep us guessing.   I have been observant lately, how my soul has it's own  own  emotional weather report.  Some days it'sunny and bright, other days, it is like a violent tornado with spectacular flashes of lightening.  I am my very own natural disaster.  But I can also be as still and clam as a sea of glass.  I wonder what the weather will be like today? One thing I know, is that weather is constantly changing, hour by hour and  no matter how threatening the storm, it will eventually break, letting the sun shine in.  

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