Friday, May 2, 2014

Things I LOVED about my former husband, Jeff Bills

I LOVED how you thought I was perfect in every way (even though we both know I am highly flawed.)  Having your unconditional acceptance and approval made me feel so secure, cherished, treasured and confident.
 I LOVED how you gave me ultimate freedom.  Never controlling, always allowing me to do whatever I wanted.  This made me feel like you trusted me, like you respected me.  This empowered me to pursue my interests and goals unfettered.
 I LOVED how you showed your love through countless acts of service.  Whether it was coming home to a beautifully prepared meal, a clean house, finished laundry, or even a surprise paint job, you never ceased to amaze me with your acts of kindness.  I loved how unselfish you were and are.  You were always thinking of me and were first to bring me home special treats you had picked up at the store.
I LOVED how you were always on my team.  You were ever willing to listen to my endless problems and issues.  You were seldom critical of me.  In fact, you usually pointed out the good in me and my methods while dealing with my children.  You cheered me on and gave me strength to continue in my various responsibilities.
I LOVED how you treated me with respect.  I always felt like your “Emma”.  You treated me like a queen.  You exercised restraint around me and didn’t speak harsh, unkind, or degrading words.  You were positive, optimistic, and supportive in your speech and actions.
I LOVED how you were my help-meet.  We had several common goals and we put our best efforts into them.  Whether it was moving, dealing with car issues, buying a condo, painting the house, showing the kids a good time when visiting, honoring holidays, getting through surgeries- we were a team and you shared the load to help us accomplish each task.

I LOVED how you would do ANYTHING for me and you would give me your best.  Your paycheck was my paycheck- and my paycheck was your paycheck.  We shared our all.  We sought for the common good. You consecrated not only your monies but your finest efforts into making our marriage work.  I honor that. I honor you- always. 

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